Thursday, October 25, 2012

Our Stranger Meaning

This is probably the hardest sounding blog I've had to write for this class. The meaning of life? Yeesh. But I guess when taken at a more individual level the question becomes easier to swallow. What gives my life meaning? I guess I haven't given it too much thought before know. I've sat here considering it and it's kind of hard to put into words. I think for most people life is about personal fullfillment whether this comes from helping others, or pleasure, or financial success, or whatever. For me there are a few things that give me personal fullfillment, but I think the main one is closeness to nature. That sounds silly coming from someone who lives in Chicago and takes the subway to school every day, but it's true. Not to mention that I haven't always lived in this "concrete jungle". For me, I may not think about it all the time, but some of the most "meaningful" moments of my life have been standing on top of peaks, or in the midst of redwoods, or wading through a river. I mean, everyone agrees that certain places and aspects of nature are beautiful, but I feel like there's nothing that makes me feel more fullfilled than nature. It amazes more than just in its beauty.  It's part of the reason why I think I want to be an environmental scientist, I want to be closer to what I love and what gives me meaning. I'm not exactly sure why its so fullfilling and meaningful to me, but what I know is that it makes me content and at peace on a level that nothing else has, and it's immensely important to me, so I suppose it's the closest thing to meaning that I can think of.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you when you say that life is about personal fulfillment. I think the meaning of life should always be taken in a more individual level. No one else will ever experience another's life, thus, the meaning must come from the individual. And, you should go become an environmental scientist if it gives meaning to your life. Lemme come chill with you on a mountain or in a forest one day. Nature is pretty.
